I don't know about some of these parents. I was reading an article in the local newspaper on www.Gastongazette.com. It was about a student named Ms. Amber Bolen, who was being “bullied” in her new school in Gaston County, NC . (http://www.gastongazette.com/news/bullying-51002-school-bolen.html ), and I thought to myself, "You have got to be kidding me. Where are these parents’ minds at?" Which parents am I talking about? Both...or all of the parents involved! What in the world do you expect the schools to do while your children are running rampant around the school halls terrorizing and bullying other students? Trying to show everyone how “gangsta” they are or how “tough” they are. And don't tell me you didn't know they were doing it, that's garbage! The same way your child’s been acting at home is the same way he, or she, acts in school! What did you think? Did they develop some new personality when they walked out the door of the house this morning and become a calm and rational student when they got to school? You know better.
Ms. Amber, you ain't fooling me either. Shed a tear if ya want, but you were just as much responsible as the other kids that were involved. Trying to play the "But I didn't do nothin' to them" card ain't gonna work. Ms. Amber, “You is a big girl! Ain’t too many people gonna be trying to bully you!” You were rolling your eyes, givin’ “them looks”, cussing, head bobbin', and hands on the hippin' just like they were cause you don't have anymore respect for the school than they do and your momma said she brought you up to “defend yourself”. She just didn’t tell you what to defend yourself against. Instead of trying to get a reputation at school, you need to be trying to get an education.
Amber’s mother said Amber was sick for two days…uh-huh, right. What did she have, “I don’t feel good-itis”. She got “sick” right after her first confrontation with three girls, who didn’t know her from Eve, on her first day at her new school. They just picked her out of all the kids in the school to bully and “poor” Ms Amber did nothing to provoke it or escalate it. Had to be three “big stupid girls” cause three “little girls would not have stood a chance! Get real!! But…maybe she didn’t do anything. Maybe they laughed, called her a name or something, looked at her “wrong” and it was just too, too much for Ms. Amber to endure, so she responded.
Ms. Canup and all you other parents out there, "git a grip"...on your kids that is! You need to quit trying to blame everyone else for your children's misdeeds and attitudes cause that is how you taught them, or allowed them to act! You sent them to school like that just like that. Just like you sent them to school in those clothes, in that car and with that cell phone, you sent them there with those attitudes. So don’t be blaming the schools. They have enough trouble trying to act like they are teaching your little heathens. Like I said before, you knew what they were doing. What ya need to do is teach your kids some respect, not defense, so they don't go around trying to intimidate, harass and act "gangsta" cause they can get their little butts beat down by somebody who ain’t “acting”. That is what happened with "Ms. Innocent" here. The schools knew what was going on and they also knew Ms. Amber’s mouth was just as guilty as the rest of them but they had to deal with "Ms Canup and her Posse" who continued to come up to the school and complain.
What do you expect the school to do? Assign a fulltime resource officer to your daughter? Follow her around to make sure she is safe? What you need to do mother, is teach your daughter some manners. There are a lot of students, parents, geeks, bookworms and nerds who have gone through elementary school, middle school, high school, and college, being called names and laughed at and it wasn’t always pleasant. What you need to do, dear mother, is try spending some time up there in that school yourself, sitting in the classroom with your little girl. Ya know what? I betcha nothin' happens then...cause mamma's watchin'! What some of these schools need to do is put an observation area that runs behind some of these classrooms, with one-way mirrors. That way some of these parents can see how their “little angels” really act in school. But I don’t think that will happen cause parents already know. And so do these kids!